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Protocol Advisory Board: Pastor Barnes, Rev. Evelyn Barnes, Trustee Ethel Reese,

Deacon Arnold Johnson, Deacon Raymond Boyd, Brian Williams, Rev. Michelle Garvin, Lorraine Williams 

(With input from the following Ministries: Nurses' Unit, Hospitality, Praise Team, Security)

Q & A

Q How many worshippers will be permitted during service?

A. Occupancy per service – 60 Total

The safe distance measurements have been taken, and this is the

Breakdown, per service day.

Pastor Barnes

  1. Rev. Evelyn Barnes -T

  2. Three (3) Preachers   

  3. Three (3) Deacons  

  4. Three (3) Trustees

  5. 45 Members (4) Seats reserved for walk ins.

Q   How will it be determined which officers will serve and on which Sunday?

A. Trustees, Deacons, & Ministerial Staff will make their own schedule rotation.


Q   How will members be able to let the church know that they want to come to 

the building to worship?

A. Via the webpage and by phone (special number will be provided.)


Q  How will congregation be seated?

A. Every other pew will be marked where people can be seated. 

  1. For safety issues, Deacons will be seated in the pew’s. Ushers will seat worshipers – See Ushers’ Protocol

  2. When making a call to come to worship in the church building the worshipper will need to provide the number of seats needed per family

  3. Family members of the same household will be seated together on the same pew, maximum of four (4)

  4. No seating in Fellowship Hall during worship service until further notice.

Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry will suspend giving out welcome gift bags. The ministry will give out pre-wrapped information and Bible tracks.

Nurse Ministry

The Nurses will provide the following items when necessary

  • Gloves

  • Masks (members of the Nurses’ Unit will wear protective shields in requested.

  • Disinfected wipes

Ushers Ministry

The Usher will be responsible for opening the sanctuary doors and seating worshippers to insure social distancing. 


Baptism, Right Hand of Fellowship

To be determined by the Pastor and Board of Deacons

Entering the building

  1. Each person will have his/her

      temperature taken by one of the                  Nursing Staff. (Temperature will be               taken with a no-touch thermometer). 

   2. Each person will be required to wear a 

       mask, at all times while in the building. 

       If they do not have one it will be

       provided before entering the


     3. Bibles, and Hymnals will be removed 

          from the pews for health/safety 


     4.  Scriptures and words to songs will be

          shown on monitors positioned in the


      5, Programs will not be printed for

          distribution. Announcements will be                                            displayed on the webpage, other social media                          outlets and sent via email. Will be mailed via U.S.                      Postal Service upon request​

        6.Sunday School will be via

           ZOOM(Time to be determined by

           Pastor Barnes)       


Until further notice:

  • There will be no food eaten or prepared in The Church building

  • There will be no in person meetings in the church building.  All meetings will be held via Zoom (ministries can contact Rev. Evelyn Barnes to schedule meetings.

  • Worship service, funerals and Bible Study will be held via streaming & Zoom

  • Worshippers will be required to enter the main entrance and exit by the rear door (if able to maneuver stairs.)


  1. The communion elements will be pre-bagged in a plastic Baggie, and given out as the members arrive. This will be safe, sanitary, and take less time.

  2. Following communion the individual will place the used cup back in the plastic bag to be discarded in a trash can in the back of the church as they leave.  


It is the Security Team’s mission that all worshippers feel safe within the church building and surrounding area. The team will be present at every service.  Team members will operate on a rotation schedule


Tithes / offerings

  1. A basket will be in rear of the sanctuary  as people enter and leave.

  2. Also, people can continue to contribute on-line.


Access to restrooms will be limited to ensure social distancing.  Children under the age of 12, are to be escorted to restrooms either by the Security or Ushers.


Praise Team

For health and safety reasons, the SHBC Praise Team will  

resume recording after all members have received a vaccine


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